In fifteen Albert Heijn stores is smoke where the next six weeks, no longer in sight. Parent company Ahold is so investigate what effect the hedging of cigarettes, tobacco and cigars on the buying behavior of customers.
In their stores, including two Albert Heijn to go's, testing various forms of hedging; closed doors, blinds and vending machines, writes the AD. The supermarket chain wants to figure out what works best customers and employees.
According to Marketing Tribune website gets about a quarter of the Dutch cigarettes in the supermarket. With hedge Ahold says he does not want to prevent that customers get butts, but the group will primarily contribute to the growing public desire different with the sale of tobacco to go.
Albert Heijn this year supports Stops Waiter, a campaign in which smokers and non-smokers to help each other 28 days to quit smoking. With these initiatives, the supermarket business customers who want to quit smoking offer a helping hand. Albert Heijn will explain, among other flyers on the counter and encourage its employees to participate in the initiative.
© / Esther Zandberg.
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