Children born in the hospital should "just" be the residence of the parents in their birth certificate.
This is suggested by D66 MP Fatma Koser Kaya-Thursday in the newspaper. Currently in the birth certificate where the hospital is located, stated.
Koser Kaya is Interior Minister Ronald Plasterk (PvdA) submitted parliamentary questions on the issue. She suggests that parents increasingly feel that in the birth of their child the 'wrong' place is. "Parents like to see their homes in such a deed, but that may not always now they have been for delivery or return in another municipality. ''
The MP proposes to understand that feeling. "Parents give their children naturally like something of their own identity. And that identity is also linked to the place where parents live. '' According to the D66'er it is becoming more common for some other place in the birth certificate of the child or where the parents live. "Residents have to deal with large merger municipalities and major merger hospitals," she explains. Therefore parents should increasingly towards a 'far' hospital or a 'far' Town Hall for the declaration.
For that reason, wants Koser Kaya Minister Plasterk asking to investigate whether this can be done differently and state of residence of the parents on the birth certificate. For this will require a change in legislation and Koser Kaya understands that this is not easy. So must be well researched what is done with divorced parents who live in different places.
Jurgen van der Hoeven / / Photo: Colourbox
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