Two brothers and their father Helmondse (37, 40 and 74 years old) are Tuesday morning between 07:30 and 11:30 am in their homes.
When police turned already undermining team an investigation against the family because of the trade in and production of hemp. Ongoing research by the police that were previously all business seized. For example, in a car 30 miles ' wet ' (unprocessed) hemp found and became a hemp nursery and a stekkerij with approximately 1500 plants are dismantled. Further investigation by police after these finds eventually led to the three arrested suspects.
Showing Tuesday morning searched the police virtually at the same time, nine locations in Helmond. Three homes, two operating rooms and four garages. Various cases were detected and confiscated for further investigation or destruction: a hemp nursery was found in two locations with a total of approximately 235 plants.
On 6 sites were attributes for the cultivation of hemp found, such as carbon filters, propagator and cut materials.
In the home of one of the suspects was a seal pliers with stamps. These are commonly used for the illegal construction of flow at for example hemp farms. Only approved installers should this type of stamps and materials use. For the cost of the theft of power running all Dutch society on. one of the locations was fully equipped as hennepknipperij.
Two pistols, an UZI gun-machine gun with ammunition and an alarm gun. The three suspects are in insurance for further research.
Take it away By the police and the judiciary were also various expensive goods and money confiscated because it presumably purchased with criminal power.
Regards: At two suspects sums of around 1500 euros.
5 cars, including a BMW M5 and Mercedes AMG.
An engine.
Two scooters.
Three watches of presumably the Rolex brand.
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