It is of course very useful that you quickly everywhere nowadays and (often) free online can. But surfing the Web using public Wi-Fi hotspots in cafes, libraries or the airport can also be dangerous. Five tips to safer Wi-Fi to use.
What risks stick to surfing the Web using public Wi-Fi hotspots, let we see in a report in Bright TV. A hacker can the data traffic for your smartphone, laptop or tablet, cracking and eavesdropping, and then are your login details of Internet banking or social media for the taking. Intercepting hackers a passport scan, they would even be able to request a benefit in your name.
So you can surf the Internet more secure on public Wi-Fi networks: Tethering via own smartphone to your laptop if you want to work in a catering business or on the train, then you can choose to not the public wifi network, but the 3 g or 4 g connection on your smartphone to use. This can be done by on your mobile device to create a personal hotspot and the connection via bluetooth, Wi-Fi or usb cable to share with your laptop. A disadvantage is that you quickly through your monthly data bundle back.
Use VPN software to create a virtual private network (VPN) is a good way to keep your data safe. VPN software encrypts the data traffic between your device and the server, which makes it very difficult for an attacker to intercept information. There are free VPN services such as SecurityKISS and CyberGhost, with restrictions to the amount of data and the download speeds. Paid VPN services are often without these limits. For example, Cloak you for $ 10 a month unlimited data traffic. At Private Internet Access cost $ 7 for a month, or $ 3.33 monthly at an annual subscription.
Bring your own privéroutertje Danielak is a private router that should make it easier to securely on public wifi networks connect to the Internet. You do not need to set any VPN software and devices you can connect directly with danielak. The Dutch Danielak was recently successfully funded through Indiegogo. The release, including a year-long use of a VPN service, costs $ 99 and is available from december.
Please note meekijkers prevent people easily over your shoulder can watch what you do on your laptop. Put your screen brightness for example on the least bright stand if you enter passwords. Also it doesn't hurt to login using so-called two-factor authentication, in which a password also a sms with a code to your phone.
Do not give personal information away for free access (real) also note that some providers of free Wi-Fi you before you can connect to all kinds of personal information, which they use for marketing purposes. So it is perhaps wiser not to fill in your real data.
Source: / Tonie van Ringelestijn/ © RTL
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