Telefoons, laptops, fotocamera's, filmcamera's en tablets van slachtoffers van de ramp met de MH17 worden teruggegeven aan hun families. Het Openbaar Ministerie heeft gecheckt of de apparaten nuttige informatie bevatten voor het onderzoek.
That investigation focused on whether they still contain useful information about the last minutes of the flight. According to the research that is now been completed, and has not led to further information.
Damage and passwords the research, which took place in Netherlands, was extra complicated because devices are damaged by the fall, the fire and the weather conditions at the crash site. Devices were also often protected by passwords.
The devices which can be determined by who they are, be returned to the survivors. That will be done by Malaysia Airlines, which will also figure out if the remaining devices also still to the right families can be returned.
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