For years, millions of euros lost. And the financial department half should be fired. Those who read the report that De Telegraaf Tuesday put online, understands that ProRail loved the little secret.
Because the accounting by ProRail does not seem to be quite in order.
Because the accounting by ProRail does not seem to be quite in order.
Two internal reports were sent by the CFO to the rest of the board, is a pretty picture of the ins and outs of the accountants forward.
The main conclusions in a row.
1 Millions of search
Especially at project level accounting is not in order. During the renovation of Station Delft years was 50 million 'missing'. It ended up as an advance amount to be paid to a subcontractor, but it was like 'work ready' ended up in the book. Only after four weeks of digging, I managed to find a statement the auditors here.
2 Accountants are unsuitable
In 2013 the accounting was reorganized. There was so poorly thought that the finance department a lot of good people lost. Half of the employees who now works in the financial department, should actually be fired because these workers can not cope with their task.
Three problems are not addressed
Significant accounting rules according to the director a must for a company as large as ProRail, have not been introduced. ProRail takes the financial chaos only if it is indicated by external parties.
4 Budget is incorrect
Because ProRail do not know how the money is spent properly, it is also impossible to plan properly for the future. Earlier it was announced that the budget ProRail fails far too expensive for the next 10 years. The manager wants to track spent far more than it is expected to enter.
5th Annual Wildcat
The quality of business data is so doubtful that the responsible managers' lack of confidence in the quality of the figures in order to ensure, with reasonable assurance that the financial statements presented give a true and fair view without significant risk of material misstatements. " Ie they know it is not certain that the numbers are quite right.
Commenting writes Hans Alders, chairman of the Supervisory Board of ProRail, that improvements are needed in administration, but there is also successfully being done.
at there is a mess, chaos, or a shortage of money is denied by ProRail.
And after more research was done at the numbers, could also be prepared for beating annual report.
By Rens Oving / Metro / Floto: ANP
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