Secretary Wilma Mansveld Tuesday had to prove to the House that they best meet the important issues on the track.
The PVV filed a motion of no confidence, the SP had called already lost confidence in and VVD in the corridors that 'Wilma Christmas would not make it. " It was a long debate full of annoyances of the opposition and management of Mansveld language, but there have been decisions about that. Read all developments back here.
What has been decided?
- Secretary of State Mansveld will answer the remaining questions in writing
- There will be an external investigation into ProRail
- Mansveld promises that all relevant information now goes to the House, although it can be varied on the relevance of opinion
What was up?
How Mansveld dealt with the report leaked today via the Telegraph:
- The top of ProRail has told Mansveld that the report, which leaked today by the Telegraph, refused to give her
- They knew a small part of the contents of the report, though, because she had heard spoken about
- The Secretary of State could find in the decision by ProRail to the report failed to give her
- Today it anyway asked ProRail to give her the report ...
- That they sent in turn to the Chamber
- After it had been in the newspaper so
- She thought she had to do that because the report now already been in the media
- In other words, if the newspaper had not written about it, she never had the report submitted to Parliament
Furthermore, the opposition was disturbed during the debate increasingly to the management language used Mansveld
What did the opposition do?
The parties believe that the minister has handled the strings not in the control of ProRail. They also demand more information.
- SP Euro-MP Farshad Bashir doubts Mansveld still has a grip on her schedule and she still enjoys authority in her department. ,, Everything disappears in a drawer, '' said Bashir. ,, How does she finally get back on track? ''
- The PVV finds the mess at ProRail no incident. ,, The State does not control it, '' says Barry Madlener. According to him, Mansveld become part of the problem. Madlener threatened last week with a vote of no confidence.
- ,, How long are you still defy us patience, '' CDA Martijn van Helvert wonders. ,, Can the problems be solved in the short term at ProRail and Mansveld is the right to thereby be in charge? "" According to Van Helvert must get the Secretary of State with a strong story to show that they can do it.
- Stientje van Veldhoven (D66) accusation that they Mansveld the House late or not inquired about all kinds of abuses and shortcomings. ,, Mansveld must recognize problems and deal with. ''
And finally: what did Mansveld?
,, This debate has me extra motivation to go tomorrow precisely, steady course, what I'm doing. That's every day, for the traveler:. Improvements on the track '' She calls it very well that the figures ProRail by an external organization, the Court may be examined. ,, We can then continue with it. '' ANP
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