The policy of the Authority for Consumers and Market (ACM) impairs the postal services in the Netherlands. That says PostNL.
By all kinds of demands and constraints of the ACM, the cost of the postal service in their own words the next three to four years, with approximately 30 to 50 million euros.
"That can bring the reliability and accessibility of postal services in the Netherlands in danger," PostNL.
ACM did so last week that new regulations may increase the price of stamps weaker than PostNL wanted. Additionally grabbed the ACM in the awarding of the postal services of the municipality of Rotterdam. PostNL has been rapped over the knuckles because the important information about its own tariffs withholding competition. Rotterdam decided to do about the tender.
In addition to the post that gives itself PostNL, the company does also pay to work for smaller competitors who collect mail from business customers. Earlier this month showed that the ACM requires a reduction in the tariffs applied to it. On penalty of a fine of up to two million euros.
"These measures ACM damage our position," said a spokesman for the postal service. PostNL wants to see "more proportionality and balance" comes in all rules of the postal market. "There should be healthy competition, without effects postal inflict unintended harm." © Reuters
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