A cigarette smoke during work. As far as pulmonologist Pauline Dekker, is soon past. "By allowing smoking breaks and build a smokehouse, employers facilitate an addiction."
Employers would have to prohibit smoking during working hours on stabbing a cigarette, so Dekker advocates in the AD. "Employers have to stop thinking that smoking is a free choice. Smokers are not free, but enslaved. Employers also have their employees do not drink alcohol or use drugs during working hours?"
Three weeks extra holiday per year
According to the lung suffers the work under all that gerook. "Someone three times a day for ten minutes is lost by smoking, taking annualized three weeks extra holiday." Moreover, smoking with one dot on the sick maker, says Dekker. "Smokers are one and a half times as often and as long ill as non-smokers. One in four dies even before his retirement from the effects of smoking. ''
Dekker wants not only that companies prohibit smoking, but also wants them to take steps to help smokers quit. "Provide smoking cessation counseling to." A survey cited by the AD, would show that seven out of ten employers will never talk with employees about their smoking behavior. They said it was not their responsibility.
RTL News / © Reuters
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