There is a link between length and the risk of cancer. According to new research. Every 10 centimeters more length increases the risk of cancer in women by 18 percent and in men by 11 percent.
For the research at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm were followed over 50 years, five million Swedish adults. The results confirm previous studies on the relationship between body length and getting cancer. Especially, the risk of breast cancer and skin cancer increases at slow people.
More cells
Research leader Emelie Benyi tells the BBC that the results can help to find out what the risk factors for getting cancer, which may lead to new treatments. But she says there right away that it is difficult to predict what impact these findings, because a lot of factors that come into play.
How exactly does that longer people have a higher risk of cancer is still unclear. It may be because they have now once more cells in their body that cancer cells can be and one reason may be that they need more food, one of the causes of cancer.
No worries
The research looked at factors other than length are not included. For example, did not include whether participants smoked the investigation. Dutch are among the tallest people in the world. Yet long are not cause for concern, according to scientists. Who smokes, drinks much alcohol or unhealthy lifestyle has a much greater risk of getting cancer.
RTL News / © Reuters
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