Gilze-Rijen is October 13 presented the final report of the investigation into flight MH17. On the basis of the recovered debris is reconstructed as part of cockpit and business class.
The presentation will be given by Tjibbe Joustra chairman of the Dutch Safety Board. Four topics are covered:
The cause of the crash;
Overflying areas of conflict;
Why Dutch survivors two to four days to wait for confirmation from the Dutch authorities that their loved ones aboard Flight MH17;
The question whether the occupants of flight MH17 anything from the crash have been given
Pierced through "large number of objects'
In September 2014, the Safety Board released a report on the initial findings on the disaster on July 17 last year in eastern Ukraine. It said that the device is probably broken during the flight into pieces after it was punctured by "a large number of objects" that have hit the aircraft at high speed outside. The OVV spoke not a rocket.
Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 rose from Schiphol and later above eastern Ukraine most likely be shot down with a rocket-BUK. All 298 people aboard were thus killed, including 196 Dutch.
The presentation of the report in Gilze-Rijen will be seen live on RTL News and on our website.
RTL News © Reuters
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