The Party of Geert Wilders continues to gain popularity. Now if there were elections, the PVV would win 33 seats, three more than last week. This is evident from the weekly poll by Maurice de Hond.
The refugee issue propels the PVV the second highest ,, Score "ever achieved which Gallup has measured. Only in October 2013 the fraction of Wilders was even higher, at 34 seats. In comparison to last month's party Wilders got nine seats at.
Meanwhile gives 22 percent to vote for the PVV. Another 8 percent said to be able to support proposals that party itself.
The VVD continues stabbing the same number of seats as last week: twenty. The CDA, SP and GroenLinks lost one and come respectively from twenty, eighteen and thirteen seats.
The PVV takes its gains against the 2012 election for half the VVD road (nine seats).
Should the Freedom Party, the largest party in the elections, then the 56 percent that the party should be included in the government.
PVV voters are relatively more in the age group 35-65 years, primary education class and medium and low incomes. Almost half of Telegraph readers on PVV gives to vote or to propose to vote PVV itself. At newspapers like the Volkskrant and NRC Handelsblad is 14 percent
Source: ANP / © Reuters
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