The independent investigation into the finances behind the railway projects ProRail is carried out by the Government Finance Inspectorate and should be finished only two weeks. That the House
During a heated debate on the rail infrastructure operator, last week, demanded a parliamentary majority that an independent party figures would vetting where Secretary Mansveld screened along. Now there is a proposal from Parliament.
The Minister of Finance, responsible for the inspection, must approve the request. Also, the Government Finance Inspectorate of the House wants to get a better picture of the overall financial situation at ProRail.
In addition, the Court is asked for before the fall recess, which begins October 16, to organize an explanation session in which she gives explanation on the budget research done previously at the track. Mansveld state since last week under guardianship, because the Court has serious doubts on its substantiation of the financial problems of railway infrastructure manager ProRail. A motion of no confidence by the PVV received no support.
Edwin van der Aa / / © Reuters
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