Minister Schippers of Public Health wants preventive medical examination easier. Health Checks that people still go abroad, should also be possible in the Netherlands.
It involves, for example so-called "total body scans. In addition, a person is completely turned inside out and every physical detail scrutinized. That is happening more often in specialized clinics across the border. It is preventive investigation for which the direct medical necessity is missing.
Also in the Netherlands are becoming more tests that people can control their health. One example is launched in February Personal Health Check on the Internet, an initiative of the National Association of General Practitioners and organizations such as the Heart Foundation and the Diabetes Fund.
Boaters will the growing number of health checks in the right direction. She has previously made a plan that soon they will discuss with various health authorities. People should have the right to choose a health check that suits them, says Schippers. That's why she wants that consumers receive adequate information about the tests.
With and without license
At the same time they want to protect them against the risks. She has therefore tests divided into three categories:
Checks with no medical risk, such as filling in questionnaires or the use of certain apps. The Personal Health Check would fall into this category, as well as the determination of skin cancer by using an app that allows pictures to be made.
Checks with medical risk. Schippers want is here monitoring. Then, for example, the case of tests carried out as the study of prostate cancer by measuring the PSA level in the blood, or research in which use is made of "ionizing radiation", as in the making of x-rays for the detection of lung cancer.
Checks that focus on serious diseases and abnormalities, such as the diseases, Huntington's, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and Duchenne. It also involves genomic testing (screening for untreatable diseases by blood tests) and screening (breast cancer, cervical cancer, colorectal cancer). As the provider must apply for a permit, if it is to Schippers.
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