Asylum seekers with residence status should henceforth no longer be allocated social housing. This is suggested VVD MP Van der Linde.
They need to be accommodated in empty office buildings, for example. "Whether or offices are stacked containers, we will always make sure that it is safe and warm. But it is sober. If you come from a war, you should be happy with such a house," said van der Linde in the newspaper.
Asylum seekers with residence status should be given no more priority in the allocation of rented accommodation. "Already, creates social tension, because people who have been on the waiting list do not understand why they have to wait any longer. If we do not do anything, goes wrong," says Van der Linde. "I realize this sounds very unfriendly, but it gets out of hand. Now those people might still be placed, but not if there is another 50,000 to recover."
Van der Linde says in the AD expects that other parties - except PVV - the proposal as primarily driven torpedo. Coalition partner PvdA instance, made yesterday announced that in the coming years precisely hundred prefabricated house wants to build more.
RTL News / Reuters
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