As far as the VVD faction leader Halbe Zijlstra, the reception of refugees is significantly retrenched,, to stop a run on the Netherlands. "
In his view, the influx of refugees, an acute threat to the Dutch welfare state and social services. He says in the newspaper.
Zijlstra argues that austerity refugee shelter must ensure that more people, often from safe countries, travel to Netherlands. That's according to the VVD necessary: ,, Because the costs have risen in the housing market crashes. We can not accept. We need a minimum level for these refugees. It is my bounden duty as a politician to make our own standard of living, which have worked hard for, protect. ''
According to Zijlstra can perfectly cope with refugees living allowance of a few bucks in a container-like housing. ,, No longer with extensive domestic help and multiple grants. Now it runs per family sometimes up to 2000 euros. It is untenable for our country to offer it. "Zijlstra points including to Denmark, where a similar approach in his bearing fruit. ,, You even see that the government is there to be placed in Lebanon advertisements with the message that travel is useless. And it works. ''
Medical care must be sober. ,, If people have problems whether they need emergency care, we just help them. But plastic surgery, eyelid surgery, breast reductions or -vergrotingen, a complete dental renovation. That kind of thing: not really '' A lot of this does not happen ,, but it happens, '' said Zijlstra..
The proposals contained in the plan 'Limits to relief'. It also states that should not be issued a temporary residence permit for five years, but each year should be extended. And when extended shows that care in their own region is possible, the request must be rejected. Also wants to see the VVD or traveling after may be limited by family members.
It should be harder to acquire Dutch citizenship, said the VVD plan. Naturalisation should no longer be possible if someone in the last ten years imprisonment, community service or large fine has been given.
Open to other suggestions'
The Labour Party has already announced not exactly warming up to the plan of the VVD. That leaves asylum spokesman Attje Chick know the PvdA Saturday. ,, We are open to other suggestions and will be looking at seriously, but a strategy of discouragement through unequal treatment we reject. People escape from necessity, not an eyelid, "said Chick.
,, For us it is most urgent that we manage the refugees properly and safely absorb and that we do so in a way that we can also take it as a society, "said Chick.
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