And again two seats there. The PVV would, if there were elections now in the Netherlands can count on 35 seats in parliament.
In elections in 2012, the PVV had fifteen seats. Last week was the party of Wilders on 33 in the poll by Maurice de Hond. So now two again there, according to a poll by Maurice de Hond. In 2010 the party was also once at 35 in the poll.
Wilders has directly responded to the survey. On Twitter, he says that the Netherlands "has had enough of the asylum tsunami.
The PVV especially benefit from the refugee crisis in the past three months, says the Dog. During this period, the Party has 15 seats improved. VVD and SP delivered in the same period every six seats in the CDA and three.
This is according to The Dog does not necessarily mean that those people directly switched to the PVV. The other parties in parliament, including PvdA, D66, Green Left and the Christian Union are in seats at the same level as three months ago.
RTL News / © Reuters
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