An organic patch of cultured skin cells enhances healing of burns and scarring goes against. In addition, no disposal responses at own skin. That is the finding of the VUmc and burn centres in beverwijk, Groningen and Rotterdam.
Skin grafts in patients with large and deep Burns very often lead to scars that very annoying to patients. They itch and limit the flexibility of the skin. Sometimes people can thereby limbs bad move. And then his new operations.
The researchers take skin cells growing in patients with large and deep burns a piece of healthy skin. Get them there the epidermal cells. In a culture dish cells that share and replicate themselves. After twelve days there are enough to have a kind of organic patch of it.
The cultured epidermal cells are mounted on a own onderlaagje that is biodegradable. The patch that this creates, is laid on the transplanted skin. © ANP
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