Wilders against the rest 'in refugee debate

Gepubliceerd op 15 oktober 2015 om 11:53

The refugee debate today seemed to be mainly dominated by Wilders against the rest. " Emotions were running during the day sometimes very high.

'Wilders tegen de rest' in vluchtelingendebat

"You're crazy," said Freedom Party leader Geert Wilders against Green Left politician Jesse Klaver, which this gentleman Wilders to "antisocial" labeled.

And that was not all. Alexander Pechtold gave to "atrocities of the PVV," which Wilders accused him "to become a regent." Pechtold confront Wilders with the fact that he allowed more than 16,000 asylum seekers in 2011 and since then nothing has been done. When Wilders responds by saying that now that number is zero, Pechtold answer: "Go leafleting man!"


Furthermore Clover copied the PVV leader through a list of incidents to mention with 'attacks' on asylum seekers. Thus he pointed to the accused Wilders of all refugees were criminals. "I'm not going to say that these people, and the PVV supporters are racists. (...) These are incidents. "


Also, CDA leader Sybrand Buma was at loggerheads with the PVV politician. Buma accused Wilders of "bleat" and reproached him for his work as a parliamentarian does not. Lower House President Anouchka van Miltenburg called her colleagues on several occasions not to use swear words.


Wilders announced Wednesday another motion of no confidence against the cabinet.The PVV has repeatedly lost confidence in the Government or individual Ministers.

According to him, like millions of people like the PVV no longer accommodate asylum seekers in the Netherlands. "This government and this parliament are ruining the country, '' Wilders said. The other parties said Wilders seems to come up with easy solutions, but that is not realistic.

metronieuws/  by Elena van Doorn/ © Reuters

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