Mayor Arco Hofland of the municipality of Rijssen-Holten is threatened with death because of the reception of refugees. The threats are in one with ' IS ' signed letter to RTV Oost sent is. In response to the threat is the Town Hall, extra secure.
A spokesman for the municipality of Rijssen-Holten Thursday morning could only confirm that there is a letter at the broadcaster. Or writing to the municipality is sent is still unclear. In the Town Hall of Rijssen-Holten walk security guards around.
Hamdan wants according to the letter writer two hundred refugees, but if he does go he is dead '. Also his family and the Town Hall will be ' target of this attack, ' according to the sender, who remains silent about a group who do not want to have refugees in Rijssen. The letter is in the possession of the police and is being investigated on Rails, let the Attorney know.
Mayor Hamad has responded to the threat with indignation:,, this is not the way we interact with each other. You may disagree with each other, but we do so in open respectful communication. Threaten is never a solution, but only creates tension and put people against each other. '' Threats Also Councillors of Rijswijk received this week threatening letters following the arrival of a refugee centre. ,, Day Yvonne. First of all, what a lovely daughters have you.. Mmm. If that comes, I search they still AZC in at school. Think carefully about that AZC. OK? ", a note that Yvonne Hagenaars (PvdA) on the doormat.
Late last month also received a threatening letter the municipality Aalburg. The letter writer threatened with arson as refugees in very gross terms are collected in d'Alburght village house in Aalburg. ,, This is not a threat, but a promise '', it says in the letter read. The letter writer refers to previous threats against Mayor Fons N of Aalburg.
State Secretary Saha Deen, who is responsible for asylum, in a reaction that violence or threats of violence against drivers is unacceptable. We always take Threats seriously,,. ''
Earlier this week Prime Minister Mark Rutte left following the letters in Rijswijk already know that people feel may differ but that,, the border of the threat of violence should never be exceeded ''.© RTV Oost
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