The mafia, been active for decades on the Aalsmeer flower auction, did to scams and healing and ran a drug line via Schiphol Airport and the port of Rotterdam. This is demonstrated by the Italian criminal investigations, in the hands of the AD.
It was a perfect cover. The company Fresh bv, located on the Aalsmeer flower auction, exported annually for millions of euros of flowers to Italy. But between the tulips and chrysanthemums became in August and december 2014 more than 17 kilos of cocaine discovered.
At a major antimaffiaoperatie last month ran 54 individuals against the lamp. The suspects belong to the ' Ndrangheta, according to justice, the violent and powerful maffiatak from the southern Italian region of Calabria. Among them are also the brothers Vincenzo (52) and Giuseppe Crupi (46), already three decades active on the Aalsmeer flower auction.
The brothers are part of the powerful Commisso-Macrì-clan from Siderno. The clan is one of the most powerful from southern Italy, is in several countries and acts for decades in drugs, evidenced by the over 1400 pages thick criminal file, in the possession of this newspaper.
Old car, Netherlands, is an important transit point for organized crime, "said Major General Giuseppe De Felice of the Italian antimaffiadienst. ,, Cocaine does not come only through the port of Rotterdam within Europe, but also through Schiphol. There are direct flights from Africa inside, where at present most of the cocaine of the mafia is saved. "
Via Fresh cocaine went to Milan, Rome and southern Italy. The ' Ndrangheta supplied the drugs also to other Mafia organisations, such as the Camorra in Naples and the Cosa Nostra of Sicily. alongside The company turns out to be a vehicle for more criminal activity. The brothers are also suspected of money laundering, bankruptcy fraud Crupi and of healing a part of 250 tons of stolen Swiss chocolate by Lindt, worth 7 million euros.
Vincenzo Crupi is committed not to attract attention. He uses an encrypted Blackberry phone, which he purchased for $ 10,000 in the us. Except that he travels up and down every week to Italy, he lives frugally. He intersperses not with money, drive an old car and lives in an average new house in Aalsmeer.
Domenico b., also arrested, runs in november 2013 around with murder plans. The Italian who for years near Aalsmeer lives, wants revenge on Paul, an employee of flower company Kinomi. That is for a large amount scammed. To redress would Jaap two Poland on Domenico b. have graduated. The men break down according to b. almost his legs.
Then revenge b. wants to take revenge. He wants to shoot him a hotel room inlokken and Jaap. But that protrudes Vincenzo Crupi a stop to it. A murder would alert the police and the business at risk, he believed. Although Vincenzo a murder can not ban-Domenico b. is family-he recommends it.
From overheard conversations in a car of one of the suspects, the Italian police air of the murder plans. The Dutch recherche; Jaap will get protection. The phones of Jaap and Domenico b. be drained.
A year later complain b. itself by calling companion Salvatore in Italy about Jaap, which he may have encountered again on the auction. ,, Do you know what he did yesterday? He did this "(makes gesture of money). ,, He expects what, okay? "
Salvatore: well, it was better if you had made him cold, that Dick! " Domenico:,, it's not about though. "
That the assassination plan was not entirely false alarm, shows as b. arrested on 26 March 2015. With him being a gun found where the serial number has been removed. It turns out the volatile mafioso Gianluca Racco, who was arrested on August 20, 2009 in Netherlands.
Owner John Villarreal by Kinomi says nothing to know of the feud between Domenico b. and his former employee Jaap. That there was a dispute about money, he confirms though. He would still get 70,000 euro of the Italian chef Antonio di n. b., a deal which was involved. Villarreal says to have reported against Domenico b., his Dutch girlfriend and Di N.
With Vincenzo Crupi has Villarreal until his arrest. He earned him annually for millions of euros of flowers. ,, I still can't believe that the mafia is, "says the chef, who over the years has dealt frequently with the Italian. He lived far too sober,, before that. If it really turns out to be, then he plays world champion. "
By: Koen Voskuil and Hedwig Zeedijk/© Kos.
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