"If the Netherlands image gets that little to do with other countries want and afraid of other cultural influences, then that is a matter of concern," De Boer said in the television WNL on Sunday.
De Boer fears he will soon have on trade mission "with someone who feels little for abroad," he said about possible future government participation of the PVV. Earlier, De Boer's predecessor Bernard Wientjes even though that Wilders could harm the commercial interests of the Netherlands. This was prompted when harsh words of Wilders to address the Turkish leader Erdogan.
Record Height
In the weekly poll by Maurice de Hond PVV rose this week to a record high of 37 seats. In the poll by TNS NIPO, the PVV even 38 seats.
In the television program Buitenhof responded CDA leader Sybrand Buma at the polls. According Buma many people have real concerns about the influx of asylum seekers in the Netherlands. The CDA leader reiterated that his party will not participate in a government with the PVV. Buma admitted that the "complicated" to form a government without the PVV as the polls become reality.
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