The ideas of the nine jihad suspects on trial in Amsterdam in the so-called Context case looks like ' jihadist ideas that we know a terrorist organisation as IS and al-Qaeda '.
That the public prosecutor's Office says in its indictment. ' The violent jihad fight takes a central position in ', it finds, that indicates that the defendants were out as many young people as possible to travel to Syria for jihad. "The defendants gave ideological support to violently to be able to establish the rule of Allah."
Quran and Hadith the prosecution stated at the beginning of his indictment that ' not islam is here but the actions of nine suspects as a result of their interpretation of the koran and the hadith '. "Here is a group of suspects they rightly suspected that an organization is that when using among other social media frequently has violated the bounds of the law."
The indictment will be two days. The penalty requirements will probably be pronounced tomorrow. The Court announced that the verdict in the Context-case a week is postponed. "We give ourselves an extra week cooling-off period", said the President of the Court. The ruling now faces 10 december on the role.
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