More than 600,000 children no longer live in Netherlands with their mother and their father. That according to figures from the CBS. A very small part, slightly more than 32,000 children, lives not even at one of the two parents.
It comes in these figures to the address where the children are enrolled in the municipal administration (GBA). If children live half the time with their father, but in the GBA are registered with their mother, they count in these figures as though they live only with their mothers.
The past 20 years the number of children that both parents live, by 86 percent to 80 percent. The differences between origin groups are great, just like 20 years ago.
Antillean children at mother so the number of children that only the mother lives, among people of Antillean origin highest: as many as 47 percent of children lives alone at the mother and another 7 percent lives with the own mother and a new partner. Only 41 percent lives with both parents.
The figures for people of Turkish and Moroccan origin will be around the national average. Among people of Surinamese origin increased the number of children living with both parents if only: from 45% in 1996 to 53 percent this year.
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