The bodies Udo D. treated, would not release him at all. "We had an aggressive man let go of the hope that he would not do anything," says Wouter Tar, director of mental health Friesland. The former tbs'er is suspected of beating to death of a woman the day before yesterday in Leeuwarden.
The deceased woman has been beaten several times with a bottle on her head. D. also would have cut a prostitute in her throat. D. did not report themselves much later then himself at a police station and was arrested. The 38-year-old man was standing by the police, the judiciary, the municipality of Leeuwarden and aged for many years known as dangerous, aggressive and unscrupulous.
"No legal means'
Authorities had, in his own words, no legal means to take action against the former tbs'er. The man came in August of this year released from a mental health clinic. There were, according to Mayor Ferd Crone of Leeuwarden no legal options to shut him up or forced to leave record. The man was from August continually monitored.
The ex-girlfriend of D. does not understand it Udo weather could roam freely. According to her, there were many signs that all was not well with him: "They have left him to his fate." D. was released in 2012. He fought successfully extending his TBS at the court.
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