The government bungles millions virtually useless traffic projects and allow rail passengers out in the cold.
This statement D66 has launched an attack on the government to provide so the public transport travelers fewer delays. According to the Democrats must be at least 400 million additional investment in track maintenance.
"ProRail recently warned that there will be on the track for a year a lot of trouble, because there must be during daytime on weekdays and worked on the track. That's because State Mansveld has a shortfall of hundreds of millions of euros, "said MP Stientje van Veldhoven.
It is cheaper to work during the day at the track than in the evening and on weekends. But it does mean that travelers will suffer from it.
"The government is now investing 400 million for instance in an unnecessary widening of a highway at Amelisweerd, near Utrecht. This results in a shorter travel time of a few seconds, "says Van Veldhoven.
"At the same time they'll be moving train passengers with misery. Standing in the cold on the platform because maintenance on the track. "
D66 wants to Amelisweerd within the existing situation looks at solutions for a better flow. The 400 million thus saved can be used to plug holes in the budget for maintenance of the track.
Too short
And 2020 Minister Schultz (VVD) and State Mansveld (PvdA) of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment hundred million euro shortfall for maintenance of highways, waterways and railways.
„Dit kabinet moet haar prioriteiten op een rij zetten. Het is onverstandig om honderden miljoenen uit te geven aan overbodige nieuwe projecten terwijl je tegelijkertijd beknibbelt op onderhoud. Nieuwe projecten die niet of nauwelijks iets toevoegen aan de bereikbaarheid moeten tegen het licht gehouden worden en zo nodig worden geschrapt.”
Lintjes knippen
Volgens Van Veldhoven heeft de minister structureel te weinig geld vrijgemaakt voor onderhoud. „De minister vindt het blijkbaar leuker om lintjes door te knippen van een overbodig en duur stuk asfalt. Daarmee jaag je echter mensen de trein uit en de auto in. Daar krijg je ook weer files van.”
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