The Court of Audit has been very critical of the budget for Security and Justice for the next year. In a letter to the Second Chamber, the Court speaks of "fragile relationships between ambition, resources and time."
Previously set and Senate already questioned the proposals of the Cabinet and the Senate is likely to reject the budget if there is no fast money comes in.
Resources and time
The Court stresses that major changes are underway at the Public Prosecution Service, the judiciary, the police, the immigration policy and the prison system. The college wonders whether the ambitions of the government have enough resources and time are available.
The Court has already drawn attention to the time factor in the implementation of policy. The policy would have little interest in implementation. "This also affects the ambitions of the Ministry of Security and Justice", states the letter to parliament.
The government has undertaken an analysis of the issues surrounding the budget of Security and Justice. In a response to criticism of the General Court reiterates that the analysis still comes to the discussion of the budget in the House. That is the end of next month. © Reuters
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