This year it was never that busy in the trains and in the month of September. Travelers complained bitterly about long hours standing on numerous routes.
"I pay 6540 euros for my subscription first class," said Elisa reizigster. "I have traveled five days of my residence Rosmalen to Utrecht and not once, I repeat, not a single time I can sit during the journey or part of the journey."
Travelers Organisation Rover in September more reports received overcrowded trains than in other months. Over 2,800 train passengers complained that the trains were overcrowded. Travelers complained especially about sprinters and intercity trains between 7:30 and 8:20 am drove on routes where it was used as the structural shortage of material travelers.
As in previous months made the intercity trains between Utrecht and Amsterdam, Hoorn Kersenboogerd and Amsterdam and the sprinter between Nijmegen and Den Bosch frustration rail passengers. The largest number of complaints were recorded for the section between (Woerden-) Breukelen and Amsterdam Bijlmer Arena.
Half of all complaints submitted by travelers who had to stand during their trip fifteen minutes to half an hour. There was also a small percentage of complainants indicated to be left on the station because the train was too full. Rover received from across the country call to deploy longer trains, but serious doubts as to whether NS that demand will meet.
Autumn pressure
"Autumn is traditionally the busiest time of year on the track," Rover says. "It remains to be seen whether this year complaints after the fall will decrease. End of this year disappear many seats on the track with the removal of the Mat64-trains. Where the public transport student would disappear first, it was eventually decided to retain and even expand. To accommodate anticipated passenger growth, NS urgently ordered new trains, of which the first 58 pieces are expected to end in 2016. To 2016 to accommodate the busy autumn period, NS makes old biplanes roadworthy again. "
Spread lessons
After September March was the "peak month" with almost 2400 complaints about overcrowded trains. In January 2041 did complain about the crowds on the train. Earlier this month called the CEO of NS, Roger van Boxtel, Dutch schools to spread their lessons better. By lessons later or sooner just to begin, many students would not have to travel during peak hours. This remark called a lot of resentment amongst educational institutions.
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