Agents are informed by executives knowingly wrong about the rules regarding the grilles, making them suddenly very different times and even days to work than was planned.
"And then you hear two days before," said one of the complainants agents. "Do you like a nice weekend with your family plan, you have to work at once. Sometimes you will be in a very different place to work so you have to travel too far. "
This also confirms the Dutch Police Union (NPB) on its website. "Managers appear to argue that it is possible to two days before the day on which the service is planned to modify the service. This is absolutely incorrect. The legal status of police officers stipulates that the employer start and end times of a service must publish four days in advance. "
After that change only possible with the (written) consent of the agent, thereby also get entitled to a shift allowance. Someone not agree with the proposed amendment, the employer will therefore have to find another solution to his problem occupation. Consent of the staff member is not necessary, as there has been a disaster, but in that category of refugee influx still fall.
Already attracted chairman Han Busker the NPB the alarm about the chaos on the grates, which according to him is a result of structural underemployment within the National Police.
"Many colleagues have right now with constantly changing schedules. They get a flood of shifts start and end times over her. This can create serious problems peers in the private sphere, such as they are difficult to transfer childcare responsibilities. On the other hand, we see that is made on a large scale abuse of the relative licentiousness of young officers. "
Meanwhile well established that agents are not too far away from their fixed base may be used. The distance to another workstation on the road should be no longer than 125 kilometers one way and the maximum journey no longer than one and a half hours one way.
Apart from their leisure time making agents are also concerned about their health. It has not gone unnoticed to the employees of the Aliens additional vaccinations if they come into contact with refugees and ordinary cops do not.
© metronieuws/ by Tjerk de Vries
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