In rental housing is often burgled than in houses. Many rental houses have outdated locks making them a popular target for burglars.
Over forty percent of the back ditches of rental housing collapses within a minute. When owner-occupied housing is thirty percent. According to Steel are not always placed the safest or best locks in renovations by corporations.
"These are often weak aluminum locks that are installed years ago. There you are within a minute in with a screwdriver and pliers. They are easy targets for burglars."
In districts with 35 percent owner-occupied homes is burglarized less frequently than in neighborhoods with rental properties. "As for the loot, it does not matter whether it is a rental or owner-occupied: in each house you have a smartphone snatch" said Staal.
He advises people to look through the eyes of a burglar at the locks.
In addition, Steel that housing associations together with the police and local authorities have to identify which homes are most at risk. On that basis, preventive measures can be taken. © Foundation NIPW
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