In the village of Hoevelaken, Gelderland, is shocked by the murder of a 39-year-old woman. Wednesday night she was killed in her home, where she lived with her five children.
At the primary school where the children of the murdered woman went to, several meetings were organized to inform the shocked parents and children. "Everyone thinks it's horrible and unimaginable," said Jos Berens, director of the school.
According to the Algemeen Dagblad the woman was murdered possible under the eyes of her children. "We will not participate in such stories," says Berens. "We tell the parents and the children only the information that the police brought out."
The woman from Hoevelaken came last year in the news after two of her children were abducted by their father. The twins of 10 years was a year in Libya. After a lawsuit, the father sent the two girls back to the Netherlands.
Police would not say whether the father is a suspect in this case. According to Omroep Gelderland he is undeniably part of the investigation.
When the house is still being sought by police trace. A part of the street is still closed. The children of the woman by Youth housed elsewhere. © TV Gelderland
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