It is due to the sun, Mars atmosphere has been largely lost. That NASA announced in a press conference on the study of Mars.
It is due to the sun, Mars atmosphere has been largely lost. That NASA announced in a press conference on the study of Mars.
The press conference started tonight with a special quote to share the initial findings of the Mars probe Maven with the world:
The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind.
Bob Dylan
Where the NASA with that quote refers to is that researchers have discovered how the atmosphere of the planet to a great extent has disappeared. That, according to NASA due to the solar wind and the solar storms that sometimes by as much as 3.5 million kilometers per hour pitching into the atmosphere every second about 100 grams of charged particles from the atmosphere with entering the space.
The discovery was made by Maven, a US unmanned space flight to Mars. The Mavensonde circling Mars and examine the exterior of its atmosphere, which used to be similar to those on earth, but now has become very thin.
Although Mars is now a cold desert planet with a very thin atmosphere, but once the planet had just that kind of atmosphere as the Earth. Thanks to this protective layer Mars once had lakes and valleys and an environment that could hold water and - perhaps - even life.
The fate of the earth
The next question is whether the atmosphere of our earth, which is also thinner, just like on Mars could disappear almost entirely. But the big difference is that our Martian atmosphere protected by a strong electromagnetic field. So NASA scientists conclude that our earth a similar fate could await.
Moreover, Mars is the most of its atmosphere lost long ago when the sun and the solar storms were much more powerful.
Life on Mars
And the most exciting question about the possibility of life on Mars? For now, scientists only dared to say that they think it's certainly possible that there is still liquid water, one of the conditions for life on Mars occurs. Somewhere beneath the surface ... © NASA
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