Last year, fifty refugees have been denied because they are suspected of war crimes. Among them were ten Syrians who can not be returned because of the situation in their country.
That leaves the Ministry of Security and Justice informed after a report in the NRC Handelsblad and De Telegraaf on that potential IS-fighters now be free to roam the Netherlands. Suspicious refugees receive a so-called 1F status: they are not covered by the Geneva Convention and, in principle, be returned to their country of origin.
Illegally in the Netherlands
But part of these rejected asylum seekers is still illegal in the Netherlands. They are staying with relatives or at an unknown address. The Syrians can not be deported because it is too dangerous in their own country. According to the European Convention on Human Rights refugees should not be sent back to dangerous countries.
Late last year the agency that deals with refugee return 170 cases of this group 1F'ers pending. This concerns in 60 percent of cases to Afghans. Incidentally, the Ministry of Security and Justice has not established that the 1F'ers involved in IS.
RTL News © Reuters
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