The health insurance companies for many years were the Big Bad Wolf. They had been given a powerful mandate from the minister and thus wrote GPs and hospitals by law.
But now they have to go back into their pen. The GPs have restored control over their own practice. Insurers now only conclude collective contracts with pharmacists. Wednesday and the House on the budget treatment of the Ministry of Health found that the patient should have a greater say on health insurers.
You would think that now insurers are sipjes at teacher Schippers sulk. But if I Ab Klink, a former health minister, now director of insurer VGZ speak in Amersfoort hotel, he is far from sad.
About the criticism of the Chamber, that insurers longer conversations of doctors with the terminally ill do not reimburse, he says, "Take the short talks for ten more minutes." Over insurer CZ this year no cataract surgeries in hospitals in Alkmaar and Den Helder pays more "We need to another contracting form."
"If you take too little time for a patient follow-up costs are high. You refer faster and you're going to handle faster. Taking time leads to better care and is ultimately cheaper. "He cites the example of a geriatrician which meepraat about the usefulness of a heart valve operation. Does that operation sense? "If the patient is found to be too weak, doctors and the patient may decide to forgo it."
He draws on a paper a graph showing that productivity growth in health care, the quality decreases and twenty percent of spending simply lost. "It stings me like a bone in the throat that we unnecessarily large deal and thus pay. People with high deductibles run for it, because it deductibles therefore goes up. "
Then it therefore still comes to money, I say. "The quality of care is leading," said Klink. "And that can also keep costs down."
Last week he received the proposal from GPs from North Holland to consult with hospitals and patients of heart surgery and hip surgery. "They are brave doctors. They are appropriately qualified, enthusiastic and reliable. They can determine the quality of care. They need to get the lead. The insurer gives them the first violin. It would be presumptuous not to do so. "
What role is there for the insurers? "We must then confirm, as it must, and here we are paying for. Then we are brave insurers. '"
By: Jutta Chorus / ©
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