Love one another. And think of the other. Religious children learn from an early age, but in practice little is done there. Faith makes children just meaner and more selfish.
According to research from the University of Chicago. Children who are raised religiously, behave no better than children who are non-religious. More than 1100 children between five and 12 years from different countries are examined, writes The Guardian.
The children who participated in the study came from Christian, Muslim and non-religious families.
Share Stickers
The young participants took part in various experiments. Thus, the subjects were given ten stickers they had to share with a child she could not see.
The survey shows that children of Christian and Muslim households were significantly less strongly inclined to share their stickers than children from non-religious households.
Tougher penalties
It also appears that children from religious families have a preference for stricter penalties for antisocial behavior.They also judged harder about antisocial behavior than children from non-religious families.
Muslim children opted for the strictest punishment.
The parents of the children were questioned. They had to fill out a questionnaire asking them about the sense of justice of their offspring and their empathy.
Remarkably, the results are inconsistent with the image that parents have of their children. Thus it appears believing parents much more inclined to report that their children are very empathic and more attention to others than non-religious parents.
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