A boy of 14 has itself reported to the police after an armed robbery on an elderly couple in Rotterdam.
The boy tried to steal a jewel of a man and woman who had offered on market place, but the attack failed. That writes Omroep West.
The boy from Rijswijk was at the man and woman (75 and 77) home dropped in to the jewel. The boy did as if he wanted to buy, but then drew a weapon.
The older man boasted that he had expected and the police had already warned. The boy is then without loot fled. The man then alerted the police.
Warning shot At the quest saw agents near the robbery two boys on a bike path. One of them met the definition and therefore the agents with drawn guns on them.
One of the guys tried to get away, but after a warning shot were both boys. They turned out to have nothing to do with the robbery.
Later in the evening with his parents reported the suspect at the police station in the Hague. He is still and will be answered.
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