State Secretary Van Rijn deplores from his ministry a request is made to destroy documents. "This is not the way VWS wants to work," he wrote in response to questions posed by the PvdA and GroenLinks.
These parties asked for clarification on the settlement of the bet by the municipality of Utrecht loktieners in 2014. These youth were tested in cafes or the Licensing and Catering Act was complied with. The drinking age had just increased to 18 years.
A senior staff member of Health released the city of Utrecht at the time in an email exchange that the deployment of loktieners was probably illegal and put on a different strategy.
Van Rijn admits in his letter that she then asked by telephone at an employee of the municipality of Utrecht to "take back" the email exchange about this, so that there is no potential for misunderstanding.
Overweight conclusion
"From an internal email that we have already received from the city of Utrecht, show that this employee, the municipality of Utrecht has asked to remove all correspondence with a view to the Open Government Act (WOB)," Van Rijn writes.
He said the then leadership of Health are now realizing that they "with a request to retrieve mails too heavy a conclusion is drawn."
He adds that not all recipients of the email have indeed destroyed the mail exchange with VWS, "making the appropriate folders happy just figure out his."
The request to destroy the documents was denounced in the program of the VPRO Argos. An official there said that deliberately documents have been destroyed, because the picture could be given that Van Rijn did initially wrongly authorized the deployment of loktieners.
According to Van Rijn was no approval or disapproval of his ministry, "since it is a responsibility of the municipality of Utrecht. That this church its enforcement task energetically picked up, I thought otherwise positive."
Green MP Voortman finds that the State "does do very lightly" about the state of affairs. "There are still mails gone," she says. As for it is not the end. "I take this very seriously." © Reuters
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