A handful of gingerbread sweets or a piece of chocolate letter munch is a nice added bonus as the Saint in the country for many children. But what if your child has diabetes?
Each week told a thousand people in our country that they have diabetes. Saturday worldwide attention to this most common chronic disease in our country. A disease where you do not "take a day of vacation can take ', know Rogier Schipper. His 8-year-old daughter Laura has type 1 diabetes and there you are as a parent daily basis. Especially with the holidays ahead.
Pepper nut
"For each candy Laura eats some insulin must be administered. A handful of gingerbread helpers at school they will therefore never eat in the classroom, "says Schipper." They need the gingerbread cookies to take home, so that we can monitor or administer insulin goes well. "
Laura was six years old when doctors found that she has diabetes. For a year she has a pump that administers insulin so they no longer have to inject themselves into her abdomen or leg. However, they still have for each eetmoment determine how many carbohydrates they will get within about and how much insulin she needs.
"They can do this myself, but we want an adult is watching or doing well," says Schipper. "At school they always get about the same with eating. The teacher then beware. But a handful of gingerbread or For example, a treat at school she eats at home. That responsibility we do not put up with her or the teacher. "
Laura did not like her friends can relish in between, according to her father she understands very well.
"But that does not mean it never makes for emotional moments. Sometimes it's just as difficult for her. Eg with St. Martin. She also goes with her lantern net door to door to collect candy. But where most children with a sweet food, without thinking about it, they can not. At home they can pick the tastiest sweets and the rest deliver them in exchange for a present. "
Blood sugar
Laura still eat too much, without insulin to get inside, there is a risk of complications. "Her blood sugar becomes too high. Laura we find not so much directly, but underneath it can cause damage, can damage blood vessels, for example, kidney or eye damage as a result. Conversely, a low blood sugar it is immediately noticeable. She becomes giddy and cranky. "
On average, Laura must therefore ten times a day pricking her finger for a drop of blood which she measured her sugar levels and controls. "In the morning after waking up, before and after each eetmoment, bedtime and we always prick again before we go to bed. She now sleeps through the puncture time to go, "says Schipper.
"Diabetes is a disease where you are doing every day. There she will do with the rest of her life have and that is irreversible. "
© metronieuws.nl/ by Bianca Brasser
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