Nine producers and distributors, united in the Association of Professional Film Entrepreneurs (VPS), go to court. They want the State liable for the damage they suffered by illegal downloading.
The VPS has seceded from the Netherlands Film Producers, which is still about tackling the illegal downloading with the government in talks. In this consultation, the VPS has little confidence.
"The state tolerates illegal downloading, while it is illegal. The State therefore makes itself an accomplice to theft," says Klaas de Jong, producer of the film more Michiel de Ruyter.
De Jong already went several times to The Hague to plead for stricter enforcement of the ban. "But no party put it on the agenda, which will cost them votes. That's what they said literally."
The illegal downloading of films is officially banned since 2014 in the Netherlands, but the VPS thinks that the government is not doing enough to resolve the issue. "The approach is very simple," says De Jong. "You finish off the providers and records the IP addresses. Easier than maintaining traffic rules." © Reuters
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