"Mom, it can happen here?" Tricky question for parents, because how do you tell your child about the attacks in Paris? Child psychologist Tischa Neve gives tips.
Whether a child does or does not ask questions, a school going child always gets something with the news, says Neve. "It is an illusion to think that a child does not know ask:. Where you've talked in school about the circle Then you can pick up on that?".
"Look together at the Youth News, you can discuss the issue right and to hear how your child is working on it. I would have a child now do not just look. It is now close in Europe, everyone in the Netherlands is working on it. It feels children close, which may cause anxiety Give beside manageable facts particularly reassured. There are many people who try to help this does not happen again Such a minute of silence together is therefore well:. we can not solve it, but will have to remember that gives a little control. "
Older siblings
How do you talk as a parent to your child about such violent events depends on the age of the child. "From six years playing it really that hear things at school. In preschool children, it is important to keep an eye on them. Have they picked something up, then play it short and simple in. If they come up with are not there myself, I would do not attempt to start over. "
"Keep toddlers especially in the holes as they have older brothers or sisters. Then they imbibe things easier. They say something, discuss it briefly and quickly go back to the order of the day. That's what children do. Hou monitor what they watch on TV. That's always handy, but now, with many images of the attacks, quite important. "
Be honest
From group 3 in primary school keeps kids more engaged, Neve also notes with her own son."They had heard something about IS and said, I go with Grandpa to make a robot, you can beat these people."
Be honest, says Neve. "If a child asks, it can happen here ?, then do not say no, never, ever tell you that we do everything that it does not happen here, that the government and the police about his talking, you can enough. things which a child is reassured that you put the truth without violence. "
Do not bring your own fear about your child, she says. "It can also whet their anxiety or worse and there you have nothing to. Tell honestly that you're scared and sad and that such things would never have happened." Children live in the here and now, can there really are doing and then back at all, she says. "Trust them, they are equally shocked, but a moment later they are back to playing."
"Hou especially at bedtime even finger on the pulse and help them possibly release and then think of nice things, so they can go to sleep again."
Beware of strong opinions
For parents who have a firm opinion, Neve has a message: ". Make sure you do not bring your child in it it Be yourself aware that your child can go with your strong opinion on the stroke Suppose you crying. May mine they quite Syria platbombarderen: Children and adolescents can also take that view without realizing the impact we want not just to radicalise young people. ".
"People may do not hurt each other '
How do you talk with toddlers?
Neve: "Keep it simple, otherwise it becomes too big to Prevent you say something about war, or:. Yes, it can happen in the Netherlands, infants can deal with it at the get better:.. There's something bad happened in another country, sometimes people think differently about things such as faith, and which people are fighting over there for one another. People should do not hurt each other, but that is what happened here. "
How do you talk with children of primary school age?
"First Ask Questions What did you hear line with what they tell Make it manageable, watch what words you use Say for example.?.. People sometimes argue about the faith that we are trying to do with talk, but sometimes there are groups that do this kind of thing, that's terrible, and we must ensure that we are going to talk and that does not happen. At home, with friends and at school, and also in countries and between countries. "
Look at teenagers to news
Even in teenagers advises Neve: viewing time being together at the news. "A great opportunity to talk Hou feel for them They may not be so quick to say that they are afraid, but with older children you can say that you find it myself frightening Also you might ask... What helps you ? not to think of the day Especially sensitive children can help there: how do you handle it when you feel anxiety You may also think of nice things? ".
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