If he goes back into the error within two years, he also has to three months in jail. It should also have a few other outstanding contingent performing community service and he must undergo treatment to his much too short fuse.
S. Amin admitted yesterday in court that he does on March 11 too hard and too often had stamped on the victim. The approximately eight hits turned out well for a fractured eye socket, multiple bruises and a concussion. Eyewitnesses also given thought to have Amin had kicked his slachtotffer to the head, but he denied it and was also not proven.
Short fuse
The suspect thought it was right that he took the boy to the alleged relationship with his sister. ,, Do you think that it can, a boy of 18 who has something to do with a girl of 14? '' He asked the judge when he suggested that he had gone too far. S. Amin said a cure for his short fuse not find necessary, because he can be aggressive now have self restrain. Since the prosecutor did not agree was that found that S. must be treated in an institution to curb his aggression. They also demanded a contact and restraining order. The court will on December 1 statement.
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