The hacktivists of Anonymous declared war on IS terror group. But can she IS really get into the cyber heart?
After the attack on Charlie Hebdo announced Anonymous even to bind to the conflict with the terrorist group. They did this in the name of freedom and now they are going to fight so further increase. IS makes a lot and convenient use of the Internet and they have so much to lose from successful cyber attacks.
Sico van der Meer of the Clingendael Institute and an expert in the field of cyber weapons, thinks Anonymous IS can really hurt. IS ,, They will not get on their knees with cyber attacks, but it does of course hurt when something needs to be restored what was destroyed by Anonymous. This requires energy when they can not spend on other things. ''
But that is not the only area where IS the pain will feel, says van der Meer. ,, IS allows for military communications extensive use of the Internet, because they are not soldiers with their own communications network. Suppose you their communications during operations can disturb, it can also lead to military losses. The influx of new members could be affected. If Anonymous paralyze the propaganda on the Internet, IS will have more difficulty finding new supporters. ''
One of the most powerful resources in any war is money. Therefore, the financial flow of IS also a target. ,, People who illegally buy oil from IS-area could be afraid Anonymous publishes their data and that they be pilloried. If they not buy more oil, it would be very annoying for IS. Because this means less revenue. ''
Since the attack on Charlie Hebdo Anonymous is already working on cyber attacks on IS, but now they do so a little extra. Then you should think especially of the black put on websites, Youtube channel and Twitter accounts of IS supporters. As they attempt to thwart the mutual communication.
Van der Meer also expects however that the hacktivists will publish more information about who IS control and who the lenders are. ,, But they will also pass on information to countries that oppose IS. For example, by locating the IS-fighters on the basis of IP-data. ""
Carlo Doodeman / / © Anonymous
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