Wenn die Regierung nicht mehr fördert Sicherheit und des Rechts, drohen drei großen Oppositionsparteien das Budget Minister Van der Steur stimmen entfernt.
SP, CDA and D66 have united and require another 200 million euros, for example, the police. The support of opposition parties is required for a majority in the Senate.
Police cao
Coalition parties VVD and PvdA came Tuesday already agreed on 200 million extra for justice, but the opposition parties are not enough.
They point out that should also be paid to the improvement of police-CLA from that amount, as setbacks that arise because the Senate rejected a number of cabinet proposals. It involves, for example the increase in court fees.
Then there remains, according to SP, CDA and D66 only about 50 million.
Opposition demands more money justice
"We see everywhere that police and prosecutors can not cope with their tasks. Then the government has to act," said CDA party leader Buma. D66 leader Pechtold speaks of "a rattling Swiss cheese budget."
According to SP leader Roemer should not be so difficult to get the money together. "They can choose more detectives criminals to reap significant. That has been supplying a lot of money."
Presumably the extra money for security and justice is already on today's agenda during the parliamentary debate with Prime Minister Rutte about the attacks in Paris.
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