Thursday, arguing the House about the terror in Paris. The group leaders speak. Main topic of the debate is the request for security for more money in the Netherlands. Political reporters and Laurens Jan Hoedeman Cook tweeting live from parliament.
Buma Group Chairman of CDA believes the Netherlands should participate in bombardments of IS in Syria. He was just like Wilders on better guarding the borders. ,, If the borders are not monitored, you need to better monitor the internal borders. "He continues, just like Rutte in the Netherlands with IS is at war. The Netherlands should know better who all through the flow of refugees entering the country.
According to Geert Wilders Molenbeek 'Gaza of the Benelux, and the borders should be closed to protect the Netherlands. He wonders where the hundreds of thousands protesting Muslims in the Netherlands. Follow Gert-Jan Segers (CU) are out there for sure.
Prime Minister Mark Rutte insists that Netherlands 'at war' with terrorist group Islamic State. He said Thursday prior to the debate.
Sybrand Buma spoke of a community of values, which you should have respect for each other. To discover terrorists should get more security space, such as the storage of passenger data, cable access and more financial resources, according to the party leader.
According to Prime Minister Rutte Buma should follow the example of the Rotterdam Mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb. ,, He chooses the right words, is steadfast and unite Muslims and Christians without being soft. ""
Armed Forces
VVD faction leader Halbe Zijlstra pulls out the stops in Paris the lesson that needs to be faster and better check who enters our country. He calls on the armed forces must be deployed to guard the borders. Syriëstrijders may not return, said Zijlstra. ,, They have to be taken identity. "
Zijlstra while fighting for the values of democracy: ,, We prove that our democracy is much stronger than the barbaric moslimextremise ".
Diederik Samson talks about safety in the neighborhood. The police officer as he plays an important role in. ,, The radicalization of youth is in a few months from 0 to 100 percent, "said the chairman. Young people should be punished talk on the internet about the need for the use of deadly force. ,, Terrorism must be early prevention and the Netherlands should not centimeter yield to terror. "
More is needed to protect the Netherlands against terrorist attacks, find Samson. He wants the government continues to look for legal ways ,, this potentially keeping dangerous people off the street '' or heal their extremist ideology.
Money for safety
The three opposition parties (SP, CDA, D66) threatening to vote against the current budget minister van der Steur, because they can not find enough of the 200 million euro allocated for extra security. Due to the many additional cost (including the improvement of police collective agreement and increase the court fees) remains under which parties only 50 million euros. And that they find too little.
Bonne Kerstens / © Reuters
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