One of the suspects of Belgian white car, which led to commotion last night in Rotterdam, was looking for a coffee shop.
That says lawyer Van Paridon, who speaks on behalf of one of the three arrested men.
The 22-year-old Belgian was arrested earlier this week in Breda, for possession of drugs and a gas pistol. Before that, he was not arraigned.
According to Van Paridon he had fled because of the arrest to Rotterdam to get drugs. An explanation for the gas pistol, whose possession is a criminal offense, he has not given.
His mother
Aboutaleb was yesterday brought to safety from a restaurant because the car was registered as suspicious. Van Paridon says he can not imagine that his client had terrorist plans. "The white Mercedes was his mother bought from the dealer," says the lawyer.
Police said no suspicious items were found after extensive research into the car. However, there were drugs in the car, but no more than the permitted amount. The three Belgians of 20, 22, and 23 are still in custody at the police station. They are heard.
From Molenbeek
It was rumored that one of the suspects lived in Brussels Molenbeek. His lawyer would not confirm that, but the address that the man actually comes from Molenbeek.
One of the suspects of the terrorist attacks in Paris came from Jean and several terror suspects have been arrested there. The Belgian prime minister is worried about the Brussels district. "I note that there is almost always a link with Jean. That is a huge problem."
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