The terrorists who committed the attacks in Paris have carefully planned their act and seem trained with military methods. Also they would have explored their targets in advance.
This appears according to CNN from documents of US intelligence. The document that the American security forces calls to review their training for these kinds of attacks, according to also read the news which attacks such as those in Paris are more likely in Europe than in the United States.
This would mainly come through 'geographic and social reasons. "
Phone plan Bataclan
The US security services say that a phone is found at the Bataclan theater in which a map is found in the building. The phone is also another 'encrypted information "found.
In the attacks in the French capital fell so far 130 people died. In France and Belgium, extensive measures have been taken to prevent further attacks and to trace the perpetrators and accomplices. President Hollande announced last week a state of emergency in France and in the Brussels region is the highest terror alert issued.
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