Police and army are in a heightened state of readiness to repel a terrorist attack like in Paris. Which units need to take action when it really goes wrong in our country?
1. Which service is responsible to protect in terrorist attacks to Netherlands?
There is the service Special interventions (DSI) of the police. This consists of several parts, all of them equipped with gun, (automatic) pistol quick machine guns and armored cars.
The Department consists of some 150 man Arrest teams, divided into six teams. AT'ers follow a 16-week training and a 1-week specialized training. They have to be physically strong, able to work in a team, about a ' excellent action-intelligence "and flexible.
2. How are those currently deployed?
A standard AT unit consists of eight man and a commander. But in the big cities they share now on in smaller groups. Since the attacks on the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in January these groups are constantly ready to immediately in serious violence in action. They form the so-called Rapid Response Teams (RRT). At a terror message they can instantly at the risk and not to collect first, so that there is no precious time is lost. Also the Special Security missions Brigade military police provides people for this Rapid Response Teams.
3. What do our services further different because of the threat of terrorism?
The air Mobile Brigade of the army is deployed to help State police at border controls. Police in all ten regions of Netherlands is there day and night a team of 50 ME'ers prepared. Previously, it was only in the regions of Amsterdam and the Hague.
4. Who watches our buildings?
Specially, the Marechaussee founded a new part. The so-called high risk security Squadron (HRB) guarded buildings where since last year, on the advice of the National Coordinator for counterterrorism and security (NCTV), additional surveillance and security takes place. An example is the second room, the inner court and buildings of Jewish institutions.
This part should go from six platoons of every 60 men exist. The first peloton is now active. At the end of this year is the second platoon ready next year and the following platoons trained. This mare police are trained to act in dangerous situations with heavier weapons: they train now with the Colt carbine and should be able to ward off C8-if they encounter enemies with Kalashnikovs.
5. do they have those heavy weapons also always?
The Trooper says: "The mare police are trained and practiced in using both small arms and heavier weapons. Depending on relevant threat assessments determine how our people are deployed. The current bet is continuously evaluated. How our people can not tell for operational reasons, we are going to intervene. "
6. we still have other units for dangerous situations?
In addition to the Rapid Response Teams knows the DSI still the small Department intervention (together 19 Marines, policemen and members of the military police), which is first used to impending attacks and features guns that shot can be more accurate, also by suit of armor. This unit can also ripped out as there is a risk that a suspect sacrifices himself or at a nuclear, biological or chemical threat.
Also there is the Expertise and operational support Unit (UE & OO), where eight people when sitting. This unit has Sharpshooters, which opponents on long distance.
7. who are ready when it really gets out of hand?
For large-scale terror and difficult situations there is the M-Squadron the Marsoc/Warcom 3 (Navy Special Operations Forces). Those are super trained Marines who in the toughest and most dangerous conditions. This is the oldest and largest group of Netherlands, was established in 1973. They have a large arsenal of weapons. The unit is best known for the train hijacking at the point in 1977. We saw them for the last time in Netherlands in action at the security of different tunnels in 2001, after the september 11 attacks in the us.
RTL News / © Reuters
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