A 55-year-old Dutchman has been convicted in England of drug smuggling in fake ambulances. The drugs had an enormous value.
The man of 55 had with others drugs with a street value of over 2.2 billion euro Britain smuggled in, reports the BBC. He is seen as a 'right'. His punishment must be determined. Another Dutchman (28) was acquitted, while there are already two other Dutch were known to have been involved in drug trafficking. These are men of 38 and 51.
The group was arrested in June after months of research. Old ambulances were bought for their cover, "ambulance service" between England and the Netherlands. In reality, the men hid drugs in ambulances. In June, in an ambulance in total found 270 kilos of cocaine, heroin and amphetamine, with a street value of approximately 10 million euros.
Research shows that men with five ambulances definitely 45 times traveled to Britain. They went including to London and Manchester.
RTL News / © Police Kennemerland
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