In a shooting at an abortion clinic in Colorado Springs three people were killed, including one policeman. Nine people were injured.
The gunman, a white man with a beard and long coat, spent hours in the clinic of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America. He surrendered after a shootout with the police eventually. The man had different stuff with them, such as bags.
The motive of the perpetrator, later identified as 59-year-old Robert Lewis Dear, nothing is known yet. His car was found a few buses. What's in there, is still unclear. Bomexperts examine the building and the surroundings of explosives.
Long time uncertainty
There has long been uncertainty about the shooting. Though, was soon reported that the police had driven the shooter in a corner and had almost overpowered. Moments later, police spokesmen said that "the situation was not stable" and that they had the perpetrator is no longer in the picture. Shortly afterwards there was again shot.
The PPFA committed nearly 100 years for voluntary and "planned parenthood" and therefore aims at preventing unwanted pregnancies, including by means of abortion. Because of that latter organization receives much opposition from conservative and extreme-right movements. Planned Parenthood has said in response that "extremists create a toxic environment which is a breeding ground for domestic terrorism."
RTL News / © AFP
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