The NS may face a substantial claim for Consumer Claims. The company sought out or the problems to be dealing with overcrowded trains around. Director Stef Smith thinks the Dutch Railways not sufficiently fulfills its effort when it comes to crowds in the train.
Earlier this month, Yahoo! News concluded, based on thousands of reports and tens of submitted films all that crowded trains travelers a thorn in the eye. Smits Consumers Claim the following problems on the track even though more than a year. Each appeared to fight hard to legal matters. Now it's different, expecting Smit, who sought out at the request of BNR.
Help people to seat
"The NS is not obliged to let anyone down, but is in the general conditions or that it has an obligation to help people find a seat." At the end of the year, several trains are out of service, for which there is little or no replacement.
"It is time that the court about exhaust," says Smit. He hopes that the claim ensures that the NS will deploy more equipment or aggrieved passengers receive compensation.
Societal claim
On the website Consumers Claim of travelers can sign up for the mass claim. Although the director a lot of applications expected, the claim is also made with little enthusiasm. "We see it primarily as a social claim, where we earn nothing." Should it come to a payment of damages, only around 15 percent of the damages being sought as compensation.
Consumers Claim argued successfully before legal action against supermarkets ham wrongly sold as organic and has been participating in a legal battle for compensation of profiteering policies.
RTL News / © Reuters
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